Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Say Hai to Your Senpai

So what exactly is a Senpai?

When people think about Senpai's weeaboo's usually think about the common saying "Please notice me senpai" or famous Youtuber's who use it.

Senpai- Someone who has a higher social status
Ex. A junior and a senior have a Kouhai and Senpai relationship

Which leads me to Kouhai which are protégé's or juniors

My senpai is Takamine Maki. She's older than me by  1.1666 years and look up to her. So how exactly do you find the perfect senpai:

  • Well a Senpai is someone who you look up to so use your role model
  • Generally Senpai's are older than Kouhai's
In a senpai and kouhai relationship, a senpai is expected to mentor the kouhai and teach them in return for respect and obedience. And if your a Senpai don't ignore your Kouhai!

You are my Senpai in the link below


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